The vast majority of dances performed by the Merrie Pryanksters were collected by John Playford and published in his seminal work The English Dancing Master. The first version was published in 1651, and many of the dances here are from that collection.
This page will be updated with links to the Playford dances, as well as to the music. Stay tuned! 🙂
- Appley House
- Ashford Reunion
- Black Nag
- Child Grove
- Christchurch Bells
- Gathering Peascods
- Geud Man of Ballangigh
- Hearts Ease
- Jenny Pluck Pears
- Rufty Tufty
- Sellinger’s Round
- Hyde Park
- Bobbing Joe
- Chestnut
- Cuckolds
- Dargason
- Fine Companion
- Grimstock
- If All the World were Paper
- Mage on a Cree
- Milkmaids
- Night Peece
- Picking of Sticks
- Argeers
- Confesse
- Fain I Would
- Greenwood
- Health/Parsons
- The Health
- Parsons Farewell
- Irish Lady
- Kettledrum
- Maiden Lane
- Newcastle
- Saint Martins
- Saturday Night and Sunday Morn
- Scotch Cap
- Stingo
- 29th of May
- Whirligig
- Ragged Crow
- Tinner’s Rabbots